radianthaloDiamond halo engagement ring designs are extremely popular at the moment. Whether it is a centre round brilliant cut diamond or fancy shape like this radiant, the range of halo designs is always expanding.

When deciding on a halo engagement ring design there are two main design styles to choose from – grain set and claw set. Don’t worry to much about worrying if you have made the right choice as ultimately there is no right or wrong style. It’s just a matter of personal preference, and which ring you think looks better on your hands. Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for your diamond 

1. Grain set halo engagement rings

A grain set halo engagement ring is typically a single row of 1 point diamonds (0.01ct) surrounding the centre stone. However lately double row halo designs are also becoming more popular.


Grain set diamonds are embedded into the metal and are secured with small grains/beads that hold the diamonds in. Because there is more metal around the stones, you will save money of the overall diamond weight of your ring. 


The grain set diamonds create a diamond set border around your centre stone. In the case of a single row this may make your centre stone stand out more, because it creates a contrast. In the case of a double row, while it might create an overall larger look, it can tend to make your centre diamond look smaller. 

2. Claw set halo engagement rings

diamond halo engagement ring

A claw set diamond halo engagement ring, uses typically 2 – 3 point diamonds (0.02 – 0.03ct) set in claw settings around your centre diamond. 


Because the surrounding diamonds are much larger it tends to give a greater sparkle that blends in more with your centre stone giving an overall much larger diamond look. The design style is also great if you have a few inclusions towards the outside of your main diamond. The sheer volume of sparkle and bling tends to make it harder to focus on the the inclusions.  


The only apparent disadvantage of this style is that you might loose the individualism of your centre stone. Although this is a disadvantage that many brides are willing to live with.

What to look for when choosing your diamond halo engagement ring

Bespoke Master Jeweller

Diamond halo engagement ring designs need to be made by exceptional jewellers.There are two things that you must look for when choosing your engagement ring.

1. Which ever design you choose make sure that the ring is made well and there isn’t any gaps between the halo diamonds as this will give you a really gappy look. This usually happens with the jeweller has either not calculated the right spacing around the main stone or the diamond setter has selected diamonds that are too small for the setting. 

2. Ensure there is not a gap between the centre diamond and the surrounding diamonds. This will not only detract from that bigger diamond look that you are aiming for, but it is also a place that hand cream, soap and dirt will collect.  

ring drawing imageAt Xennox Diamonds, I always like to draw a 3D sketch of our halo diamond engagement rings, so you clients can see exactly what your ring will look like. Drawing your engagement ring to scale is extremely helpful to see how big the diamond is, and what the overlapping effect will look like. If you would like to arrange an appointment to see me and have your halo engagement ring draw, please send me an email at design@xennoxdiamonds.com.au 


1. Does my white gold need to a rhodium plating ?

Does my white gold need to a rhodium plating ?

Yes. All white gold, is essentially an alloy of pure (24ct) yellow gold, so it is natural to assume that it has a yellow tinge. The rhodium plating is a process which gives the white gold its ultra white colour by placing a coating over the existing metal. 


2. How long does rhodium plating last ?

The rhodium plating on your ring should definitely last longer than a year. Although having said that, if the base colour of the white gold has a really yellow colour to it, then you might start to see the gold colour coming through at the base of the ring, before the end of the first year. Normally you should expect the plating to last 2-3 years.

3. How much does rhodium plating cost ?

Typically the cost for rhodium plating can range from $60 – $120 for a fine engagement ring. The price may vary depending on the quality of the rhodium solution, the skill of the jeweller, turnaround time, and the finished effect. Wider and heavier pieces soak up more rhodium out of the solution so will cost a little more. 

4. Will the rhodium plating affect my diamonds or gemstones ?

No. The process of rhodium plating requires a current to run through the metal. The rhodium then binds to the elements in the piece which conduct the current, causing the plating to take affect. As diamonds and gemstones don’t conduct electricity, they will be safe from the plating. 

classic diamond solitaire

5. Can you rhodium plate my yellow gold ring ?

Yes you certainly can. As mentioned above – any metal that conducts a current is able to be plated. However as your yellow gold is really yellow, you may find it only takes about 6 months for the gold colour to show through at the back of your ring. 

6. Should I rhodium plate my ring every year?

Absolutely not !! This will only wear your ring down prematurely. Every time your ring is rhodium plated, your old plating must first be striped off, all the old scratches taken out, cleaned and be prepared to have the new plating applied.

7. How long does it take to rhodium plate my ring ? 

Depending on the complexity of your piece, and whether there is any filigree or distinct work your ring, it usually will take around an hour and a half to complete the process. 

If you have any questions i may have missed please feel free to email me. If you have found this post helpful or know someone that it could help, i would love you to share it on your favourite social platform.

Ring insurance protects your engagement ringWhile engagement ring insurance might not be the first thing you think after you finally find “The One”. It could be one of the second most important decision you make. No one knows what’s around the corner. For example;

  1. You might accidentally lose the ring in the rubbish one day when cleaning up,
  2. You might accidentally leave the ring on a wash basin of a Brisbane department store,
  3. You might lose it while dancing the night away while overseas on your wedding night. 
  4. You might lose it while on a banana boat ride while on your honeymoon.

If these seem like specific examples, it is because they have actually happened. If you want to make sure your example doesn’t get added to the list, now might be a good time to review your ring insurance. 

Home Contents Insurance with Ring Insurance

While a lot of Insurance companies might cover jewellery in their policies as an add on, it is not their specialty. Ring insurance is a very precise field and requires a completely tailored insurer who specialises in quality jewellery. If you do decide to use your current home and contents insurer, make sure that you read the fine print.  

Conditions to be aware of; 

      1. Was it lost at the insured address ?
        1. Will they cover you if the item is lost while in transit, or at another location  
        2. Does it cover you while you are overseas ?
          1. If you are ever thinking of going on holidays overseas, it is a good idea to have ring insurance to cover your jewellery
        3. Was there any forced signs of entry ?
          1. If the thief has managed to rob your home, due to an open window, will they still cover you and replace your jewellery ?
        4. What value will you actually receive ?
            1. Do you know the exact agreed amount that you will receive in the event of the claim, not whatever figure the insurance company can haggle the jeweller down to.
        5. Will they update you insured value every year – Free of Charge ?
          1. Making sure that you insurance is in line with the price of gold and diamonds is crucial. Without it you could be paying more than you have to, or worse, under-insured. The usual cost of revaluing your rings could be as much as $50 per ring each year.
        6. What process will you have to go through in the event of a claim ?
          1. Will they make you jump through hoops to prove that you still had the insured item, or will they simply ask for a police report and/or signed affidavit. 

While nothing can ever replace the sentimental attachment you had with your jewellery, it is important to protect yourself from financial loss. The sentiment behind your rings is priceless, but the rings themselves can be replaced, if you have the right ring insurance. You also need to make sure your valuation certificate has these 5 important elements.

Q report ring insurance

For complete piece of mind, we strongly recommend our clients consider Q Report which is backed by Chubb Insurance of Australia .We understand everyone’s circumstance are different and you may want to go online and read their policy , but from our experience  nothing else comes close. We as jewellers hate seeing clients go through the trauma of a claim, where they have had either inadequate insurance, or their insurance company is trying to back out of a claim. In my experience Q report offers clients a clear difference when choosing to protect their jewellery. 


Q Report Ring Insurance Benefits

  1. Revaluing of your jewellery every year free of charge, to make sure you are never under insured, including a 125% cover safety net.
  2. Guaranteed to go to the jeweller of your choice.
  3. Guaranteed  to pay the full insured amount in the case of a total loss.
  4. Immediate cover from the moment you leave the store.
  5. Fully comprehensive – covering all aspects of your ring, repair or replacement.
  6. Hassle free claim process with no jumping th
    rough hoops
  7. A $100 excess

If you would like help with your ring insurance, visit us in store to obtain a quote. The helpful staff at Xennox Diamonds, will clean, inspect and check your jewellery, while we prepare your quote. If you would like complete piece of mind, to know that your rings are completely covered no matter what happens to them, then there really is only one clear option. If you have any questions about your ring insurance or a claim that you are currently undertaking, please email us at info@xennoxdiamonds.com.au, or post a comment below, we are here to help.


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